Sunday, 29 April 2012

A Zoologist Abroad Once Again


Hello again all.

Sorry for my temporary absence but for the last week I have been back in the UK and hence no longer a "zoologist abroad". 

We now have some lovely P.dominulus in there new home in London, Ian Warren has been wonderful in looking after them and they are looking happy in their new abodes (they even have their own personally cactus in each of their cages lucky wasp!)

But as I send you all these post I have just spent the majority of my day on a plane travelling to Panama, won't bore you all with any details of that as it was reality uneventful, bit of sleeping, some crosswords, some work and even got to finally watch the Muppet Movie! 

Must go no pretty exhausted after a long journey and the jet lag is kicking in but just wanted to let you all know that Lawrence, Remmi and I have all arrived safely and will keep you posted on all our adventures soon!


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