Sunday, 8 April 2012

No Eggs in Sight


Elli and Seirian have left today and I have just picked up my Master's Student Jade who will be with me for the remainder of my time in Spain.

We wondered out to see what has happening and saw what appeared to be the entire of Conil congregating around the church for more Easter celebrations.

The somber band began its eery funeral march and slow from the church numbers of people dressed in point black hooded outfits with masks exited the church. Closely followed by similarly clade people in white, red and purple.

Close after them was one of the most ornate floats we have seen so far which beared a golden coffin of Chirst (I have to admit I found this a little creepy) this was lifted by a huge number of men on to their solders and paraded off down the street.

Behind this float were about 50 women dressed in morning with black lace vales.

Just as we though people had finished exiting the church a huge commotion began and another group of men appear to hold what has been the largest and most decorated float yet. This born a morning Mary and was absolutely huge.

It is nice to see how Easter is celebrated so traditionally by other cultures and there were no chocolate eggs in sight - really rather refreshing after seeing rows upon rows of them on UK shelves since the beginning of March. 

Days with out stings: 10


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